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David W. S. Law

David W S Law

DAVID LAW is an experienced and accomplished investment banker and corporate adviser, specialising in the Asian financial services markets with particular emphasis on the insurance industry in Asia Pacific.

In his background with Standard Chartered he was responsible for advising the bank in their selection of a bancassurance partner in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia which involved an extensive selection process, the development of the operating model, and the establishment of the agreement between SCB and the chosen partner, Prudential plc.

Heading the specialist investment banking operations of Fox-Pitt, Kelton for the region gave David even greater intensity of involvement in the financial services industry across the region. As an adviser to Aviva, he established their bancassurance partnership with DBS Bank, and worked extensively in the establishment of bancassurance partners for Aviva in China. He was heavily involved in Swiss Re’s bancassurance business development in India; managed bancassurance partnership developments in Hong Kong, China, India, Indonesia and Korea.

His knowledge of the business and client list is second to none in the region, having over the past decade undertaken assignments for a wide range of companies including AXA, Fortis, Manulife, Standard Chartered Bank, Swiss Re, Aviva, DBS, Prudential, Dah Sing, BEA, Royal & Sun Alliance, Credit Suisse, Standard Life, Bank NISP, among many others.

David is now Managing Partner of his own investment banking business, Woodstone Capital Partners Limited.

WOODSTONE CAPITAL PARTNERS                                                              2003-present

Managing Partner

FOX-PITT, KELTON ( a subsidiary of Swiss Re)                                          2000 – 2003
Managing Director, Head of Corporate Finance Asia

STANDARD CHARTERED                                                                               1988 – 2000

STANDARD CHARTERED BANK - GROUP SPECIAL ASSETS                         1998–2000
Head of Corporate Finance, Group Special Assets
Senior Credit Officer

STANDARD CHARTERED ASIA - CORPORATE FINANCE                              1988–1998
Director – Regional mergers & acquisitions                                                        1995–1998

Director – Regional equity capital markets                                                         1992–1994

Manager – Hong Kong corporate finance                                                           1988–1991

ERNST & WHINNEY                                                                                      1979 – 1988
Corporate Advisory Services (Hong Kong)                                                         1987–1988
Audit (Sydney)                                                                                               1985–1987

University of New South Wales                                                                      1980 – 1984
Bachelor of Laws                                                                                            1985
Bachelor of Commerce                                                                                    1983

Barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales                                        1986
Associate, Chartered Accountant (Australia)                                                   1988
Associate, Hong Kong Society of Accountants                                                 1988
Member, Hong Kong Securities Institute                                                         1998

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